What makes Us Trail Trash?

where does our logo come from

The strangest piece of trash that we have ever come across while trail running was a nine iron. The most common trash we pick up belongs to fuel sources (gel tops, gel packets, block wrappers, etc.). The banana and orange peel make an appearance because many people think is ok to throw those items away in nature, thinking they will biodegrade (see our facts below to see why we pick these up).

is it all about running?

No, our goal is to give back to the communities that we are engaging with for our events. We also strive to be stewards of the sport: organizing trail work days, and cleaning areas as we use them. Lastly, we also put on events like an all-women ice climbing weekend, and navigation days.

How long will it be here?

Gel packets - 500 years

Aluminum cans - 80 -100 years

Glass Bottles - 1 Million Years

Tires - 2,000 Years

How Did Colleen & Kat Become Partners?

The owners of Trail Trash adventures found each other through a love of type two fun, whiskey, football and video games. Through the years of adventuring together learning things from each other (and, of course, picking up tons of trail trash) they became best friends, and decided to share that love with the running community through races.

Why the Name Trail Trash?

We have always prided ourselves on picking up any trash that we find along the trails. Kat loves to collect mountain bike parts, and Colleen has a keen eye for gel tops, and orange peels. The team even packs out doggie bags, helping that tribe of poop fairies to keep the trails clean.

What Makes us A little different?

We are putting on races as a passion project, and not as a business. We are a women and LGBTQ owned small business. Our races are designed with the idea that we will involve the towns that we are racing in/thru and create a community that unites runners and volunteers with the local culture.

Banana Peel - 2 Years

Orange Peel - Up to 2 Years

Bandaid - Thousands of Years

Medical Tape - Hundreds of Years